Metal Cutting

Benefit from our metal cutting expertise.
Call Total Carbide for first class products and service
+44 (0)1844 275171
Click to discover how our expertise can help you at product development stage
The supply of metalcutting inserts to a varied range of industries has been a main stay through the history of Total Carbide.
The experience of some of the most highly skilled Tungsten Carbide engineers and technicians available today continue this service backed by the latest techniques in pressing technology.
The benefit of working with us in the design and development of metal cutting products lies in our top-to-toe expertise and the strong communication links between our customers, technical sales engineers and all of our internal departments.
Whether you have an initial concept or fully detailed drawings our engineering and design teams will offer the full service of grade application , tooling design and finishing to ensure we deliver the finest quality precision products to an agreed timescale. Post delivery, we continue our involvement with you by way of regular product review discussions. These help us to improve on designs and services for the next time you need us.
We believe that the better quality the product and service, the more benefits are achieved from the end result. To this end, we constantly monitor our services and processes looking tirelessly, for ways to improve.