Tungsten Carbide
Wear Parts

By offering a personal friendly service, we can meet your requirements with maximum efficiency and little room for human error.
Call Total Carbide +44 (0)1844 275171 - We won't wear you out!
Wear Parts for Oil & GasOur wear parts help the Oil & Gas industry to reduce downtime. Click to find out more.
The strength of Total Carbide is its vast experience in the design and manufacture of a wide array of tungsten carbide wear parts for many applications across a multitude of diverse industries.
In fact, the majority of tungsten carbide products could be described as wear parts as its hardness and wear resistance are implicit attributes of the material.
When wear is an overriding pre requisite, we could not be better placed to help. Our long experience in producing all kinds of wear parts from roof tile formers, mud nozzles and sealing rings to large wear parts such as hot rolls for rolling mills in the steel industry, has given us an accumulated knowledge of how to get the best out of the material for every application.
Our in-house grinding and finishing expertise enables us to provide finished components which will help you to achieve increased productivity and extended life from your wear products leading to medium and long-term cost savings. Tungsten carbide wear products will outlast steel by over 10 times and with current material developments on new carbide grades this will increase to 20 or even 30 times.